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Innovations in Home Automation Showcased at CEDIA Expo 2023

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September 20, 2023

The annual CEDIA Expo, held in Denver from September 7-9, 2023, provided a detailed glimpse into the rapidly evolving landscape of home automation. The event focused on advancements in device integration, end-user accessibility, and market adaptability, highlighting how far the industry has come in terms of technological maturity.

The New Wave of Control and Automation

Exhibitors at CEDIA Expo took the opportunity to show how their technology is not only enhancing residential spaces but also entering light commercial markets. The presentations were noticeably narrative-driven, aiming to demonstrate a fluid journey through each company's range of products and solutions.

End-User Accessibility

One clear trend was a shift toward empowering end users with the capability to make their system adjustments. This could be seen in the increased flexibility for users to change system settings, scenes, and graphics, suggesting an industry-wide move towards greater user-centric design.

Spotlight on Companies


The New York-based URC, known for its robust solutions, used the event to display its new range of lighting solutions, High-Definition Audio offerings, and improved user interfaces. Also, they expanded voice control integration and announced multiple third-party compatibilities, including new Amazon Alexa Skills.

Control4 (Snap One)

Control4, part of the Snap One brand, released its latest operating system, OS 3.4. The system aims to improve the overall user experience, with updates that include enhanced surveillance camera integration and redesigned lighting control interfaces. Control4 is also integrating its remote systems management platform, OvrC, to improve project commissioning and setup.


The Massachusetts-based Savant introduced its Savant Home Manager, designed specifically for homeowners. This new tool provides a comprehensive dashboard for admin-level users to manage various aspects of their smart home systems. Savant also showcased its broad ecosystem related to power solutions, covering everything from smart breaker modules to electric vehicle charging.


Crestron focused on its new operating system, OS 4, aimed at providing a more intuitive user experience. The operating system supports Crestron's DMX-C protocol, enabling a broader range of lighting product integrations, from Crestron’s own products to consumer-oriented solutions such as Philips Hue.


Lutron demonstrated its new cloud-based platform, Lutron Connect, aimed at streamlining workflows for integrators. This tool allows for real-time project updates and remote system diagnostics, among other features, and aims to simplify the process of designing and installing lighting and shade systems.

Concluding Remarks

The CEDIA Expo 2023 clearly demonstrated the ongoing evolution in the field of home automation. Companies are offering more sophisticated solutions that are increasingly user-friendly. Moreover, the industry is showing signs of adapting to broader markets, with companies providing solutions that are equally applicable to residential and light commercial spaces. As these trends continue, end-users can look forward to increasingly versatile and adaptable smart home ecosystems.


AVIR offers a five-year maintenance service agreement, "M.S.A.".

This M.S.A. includes additional maintenance outside of warranty, to ensure there are no system issues for our clients.

After-hours service: AVIR offers after hours and weekend emergency service and can generally be dispatched to service a system within an hour.

If you are interested in scheduling for one of our professional engineers to design a system for your remodel or new construction project in Palm Desert or rest of the Coachella Valley, we may be reached at:

Phone: (760) 799-0881

Email: Sales@AVIR.com

Ask for Charley or Yasin.